Propelling energy and sustainability startups in DC

Propelling energy and sustainability startups in DC

Dynami Battery Corp
Dynami’s latest technology is the Dynami Honeycomb Electrode which creates “lithium-ion superhighways” (secondary pore networks) to improve charging times and dramatically increases power density.
Powerfield Energy
The world's simplest power grid system. Deployed in minutes. Built to last for years.
Asoleyo Architectural Solar
They are designing solar cells - using the artistic principles of symmetry, rhythm, and line to transform the utilitarian rectangular grid of their silver electrical contacts.
True Algae
They bring the multi-faceted benefits of natural, regenerative, sustainable microalgae to the world.
Manta Biofuel
They are using algae to make a cost-effective, renewable replacement to crude oil.
HyperJet Fusion Corp.
18 HyperJet Fusion Corporation HJ-1 plasma guns mounted on the Plasma Liner Experiment at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Photo credit: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Their data analytics software saves 15%+ in energy costs using the equipment you already own.
Contact Dave McCarthy
703-629-4056 direct
© 2016